There may be many of you out there with a routine and system down pat to ensure a distraction free time and space for yoga in your daily life. Perhaps this is going out to a studio and enjoying a class; getting up early in the morning to practice before the rest of the household stirs; or maybe it's by locking yourself away in your bedroom for some peace. Perhaps it's a little more difficult for some of you, especially if you don't have the time or means to get to a studio for a class and have to rely on home practice.
So here are some tips on how to create that beautiful distraction free yoga zone at home.
Have a dedicated area There may be some of us very lucky out there to be able to dedicate an entire room to yoga - but chances are most of us cannot. By having a small space in a quiet room you associate with relaxing in - perhaps your bedroom, can do wonders in creating a dedicated yoga space. This doesn't have to look like a permanent yoga set up. A yoga mat may never even need to go near the space - it can look like candles or essential oils, comfy pillows or yoga blocks, a blanket or towel. Maybe even decorations you associate with yoga or your practice. A permanent and dedicated area of your home that holds the energy your yoga practice has. This will make it so much easier for you to dip into your practice - without the hassle of setting up every time.
Use essential oils This tip came from a yoga teacher who greatly influenced my practice not too long ago. She explained that having a dedicated scent each time you practice yoga can greatly help reduce anxiety or get you in the yoga 'mood' no matter where you practice. Using a scent creates another dimension to your practice, holding the power of your practice not in a 'where' but in a 'what'. By using a particular scent when practicing it can instantly calm you and send you into an energetic state ready for yoga. Pair the essential oils with a dedicated yoga space in your home to get the best of both worlds and further solidify the presence of your practice in that area.
Use yoga playlists to set the tone Just like using scent to expand your practice, using music can do the same thing. It gives you something to focus on other than the various noises of your household. Perhaps you have kids or pets that demand your attention - by putting music on this can be a great way to signal to your loved ones that its a calm and quiet time.
Invite the people you live with to join This might be a bit of a sneaky way of ensuring a distraction free yoga space as it engages those you live with in partaking. But can create a really lovely bonding experience. Developing a practice with a loved one can not only bring you closer together, but also is much more likely to give you a distraction free space.
Have a personal ritual Develop a routine or system around your yoga practice. By having a certain sequence of events this indicates to yourself and those you live with that yoga is about to happen and it's not a time for disturbances. This can take any shape or form but make it something that makes sense to you. Perhaps it's making yourself a cup of tea and lighting candles - making your space cosy and inviting. Perhaps its engaging in a more vigorous form of exercise beforehand - warming the body ready for a post workout stretch.
Get everyone else out the house This may seem simultaneously the most drastic and the most obvious way to ensure a distraction free yoga zone, and maybe it is. If all else fails and you have partners, kids, pets or housemates interrupting your personal time no matter how hard you try. It's okay to boot them out the house. Drop the kids off at a playgroup or club, send your partner out to do something for themselves, give the dog a frozen kong - whatever you need to do to ensure you get your own time to yourself. It might seem selfish to some but I'd argue its a necessity.
Practice at weird times This may require some sacrifice on your part, but practicing at a strange time when foot traffic is low in the house or the pets are sleepy could be the ideal way to fit your practice in with minimal disruption to a busy household. So whether it's an early morning or bedtime flow you can be sure to practice without distraction.
Leave the house This might be counterintuitive to creating a distraction free yoga space at home but it may also be your only option if nothing else works. Especially if you crave that yoga space. Decamping to the garden, local park, or local nature reserve can add a beautiful connection to nature to your practice as well as allowing you to enjoy some well earned alone time. Other tips may be particularly useful here in helping you settle into your practice. The use of essential oils and music can help provide an ambience to nature that will help you tap back into that yogic state. If you're lucky enough to have a garden, perhaps decorating a corner of it with candles, weatherproof cushions and an outdoor mat will give the area a 'room' feel making it a defined yoga space.
If you're interested in cultivating a home practice for yourself or with loved ones check out my online private lessons or contact me for more information!
By Laura Carey