Yoga I believe is a deeply personal practice that encourages movement for the sake of movement, deep breathing for the sake of health, and mindfulness for the sake of peace. You cannot fail at that.

I firmly believe yoga is for everyone. Not just the young, thin, able-bodied individuals who can fling their leg behind their head with ease. Yoga is for everyone. No matter age, class, shape, size, race or ability.
Yoga is for everyone. No matter age, class, shape, size, race or ability.
For certainly my whole life the image I've been fed of yoga from the media has been blonde tanned women, who could easily pass for models, effortlessly practicing forearm stands in expensive lycra. I know this has had an effect on whether people want to join yoga, or ever even consider if yoga is for them.
When talking about my job teaching yoga the most common response I'm met with is, "oh I'd be no good at that I'm not flexible!" or "I'm not sure I'd look good doing yoga". These responses and the others I've heard bring so much sadness to me as a yoga teacher. Yoga is not just for the flexible and strong, nor those deemed beautiful by society. Yoga simplified is a lifestyle that involves movement, breath, and mindfulness. The focus on the instagram model of yoga is deeply damaging. Not only to the individuals who are intimidated by the instagram ready persona, but to the authenticity and teaching of yoga as a whole.
While there's nothing wrong with being the instagram ideal of someone who practices yoga, it is important to note that almost all of these supposed prerequisites need not apply. You don't need to be thin, able bodied, flexible or young to practice yoga. You don't even need a yoga mat or fancy yoga clothes. All you need is yourself - as is, comfortable clothes you can move about in, and maybe a cushion or two for comfort. But even the cushion is optional, hell even the clothes - if you're in a space that's okay with that.
But why does this preconceived idea perpetuated by both old and new media dictate who can and will try yoga? I think this comes down to another problem in our society, a fear of failure. We don't want to try anything we might be bad at. We don't want to spend money to be shown up or embarrassed. To be different. Yoga I believe is a deeply personal practice that encourages movement for the sake of movement, deep breathing for the sake of health, and mindfulness for the sake of peace. You cannot fail at that. Sure you might fall out of a pose every now and then, but that's all information on how to fail, what to do next time, and how to keep going. Important life lessons if you ask me.
So while you may not think you look the part, or even feel the part. Please know, any good yoga teacher will meet you exactly as you are. If you and your doctor think yoga is a good idea for you, then yoga can and will meet you as you are because there's nothing wrong with that. Yoga is a practice, just as the body changes daily, so does our practice. Some days we may see what we deem as progression, other days regression. It's all practice. It's all yoga.
By Laura Carey