There's that saying that yoga extends far off the mat, but what exactly does that entail? These 5 books can help enlighten you to a yoga practice that extends off the mat and into the world around you. From mindfulness and asana technique to spirituality and environment, these 5 books provide a fantastic basis from which to nourish your personal yoga practice.

The Bhagavad Gita
(Please not that in this instance I am reviewing The Bhagavad Gita: A Walkthrough for Westerners by Jack Hawley, as I am a westerner who indeed needed a walk through.)
The Bhagavad Gita is perhaps one of the most important texts one could read to further their yoga practice beyond asana. Whether you find spiritual connection to this allegorical text or not it provides interesting philosophical thinking points on which to reflect and connect to your own life and practice. A Walkthrough for Westerners by Hawley is a wonderful introduction to The Bhagavad Gita, retelling the story in English and clearly setting the story out to make the text accessible. This text opens your personal practice up to reflection regarding everything from the importance of action and knowledge to contemplation on ideas of divinity and personal connection to the Godhead. An instructional allegory that tackles everything from the base instincts of the self through to the divinity of a Godhead.
Be Mindful - Anna Black
I found this particular book in a local nic-nac shop, and loved it immediately. I found this book nestled amongst a section of similar wellness and mindfulness books. But this stood out to me. Not only for its beautiful watercolour illustrations but the abundance of easy to understand mindfulness exercises. Split into various sections Be Mindful takes you on a mindfulness journey, building the practice step by step. The first one consisting of history and understanding. Something, I think, that truly makes a wonderful basis for embarking on any practice. Filled with exercises not only in the traditional body scan or meditative sense, but also with situational exercises such as doing the dishes, accepting gifts and even specific relationships. A wonderful little book you can pop in your bag and take with you on the go, or a beautiful addition to any coffee table or book shelf. Black beautifully lays out instructional mindfulness exercises with easy to follow instructions and enchanting illustrations.
Bringing Yoga to Life: The Everyday Practice of Enlightened Living - Donna Farhi
Farhi blends an autobiographical take on yoga with poignant quotations to bring a deep understanding of yoga as a lifestyle to her reader. With both personal and third party stories Farhi brings clear instructions to both newcomers and seasoned yogis on how to navigate a spiritual practice over a lifetime. With over twenty years of teaching experience under her belt, Farhi draws on such to provide an intelligent and understandable guide for all readers. Erich Schiffmann instructs readers to "savour what Farhi offers here, [this book] can literally bring your life to life." Split into three parts with an additional afterword, Farhi leads the reader from beginner to experienced by tackling multiple issues an individual may experience while bringing spirituality into their yoga practice.
The Yoga Bible - Christina Brown
The Yoga Bible is perhaps one of my most treasured possessions. It is indispensable as a yoga teacher and equally helpful for those looking to deepen their personal practice. With clear photographs detailing each pose as well as step by step written instructions The Yoga Bible excels in creating a clear and concise manual for over 170 asana. Filled to the brim with information as well as instructions there's much to be learnt from Brown's excellent guide. The Yoga Bible was part of my required reading on my 200hr YTT and helped so much in planning classes and has continued to help now as I grow my teaching practice and confidence. An absolute must for anyone looking to plan their own flows, learn to teach, or simply just looking for inspiration.
The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice - T.V.K Desikachar
Discussing the theory and practice of Yoga, T.V.K Desikachar (the son of Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya the father of modern yoga) provides an all encompassing guide on practicing yoga. From the physical, to the mental and philosophical. The Heart of Yoga provides in depth written instructions as well as pictures, diagrams and a guide to sanskrit pronunciation and meanings. This guide teaches Tirumalai Krishnamacharya's teachings as well as Desikachar's for a well rounded approach to yoga. As well as Desikachar's personal approach to yoga there is a detailed round up of different types of yoga, furthering the reader's knowledge and feeding their curiosity. A foundational text that is key to developing and understanding yoga as a personal practice.
By Laura Carey